Friday, May 6, 2011

Don't play yaself... and definitely don't play with ME!

     So, I tried posting a status update that is the foundation of this blog, but because I'm slightly slow when it comes to technology, the post, through this phone, didn't go through. Here it is...

     This is for my fellow personal trainers out there, especially the ones that are in it for all the wrong reasons.

     I've been a trainer for a young 4 years. I started out in the fitness industry in membership sales and services. Even though I enjoyed most of it, I knew I wanted to do something more gratifying, I wanted to lay my head on my pillow feeling like I made a difference rather than making a big deal of making the money. After working in 4 different gyms, I have made it a point to learn a helluva whole lot in this short amount of time. I've learned that people, for the most part, put a price tag on their overall health and wellness. I've learned that only about 1.5 of every 10 gym owners don't give a crap about their members happiness, satisfaction or needs. I've learned that, not all personal trainers are created equal and, for the most part, 90% of trainers don't have a clue! Recently, I've learned that some of the best "haters" in the industry ARE TRAINERS!!
     Here's what it is... I love, with insane passion, my career as a personal trainer. It makes me beyond happy to help people go beyond their goals of health and wellness. NEVER have I subjected my choice to become a certified trainer based on money. True, doing something you love AND getting paid for it  is a part of that American Dream... But, I'm in an endless pursuit of happiness and doing what I do keeps me that much closer in that pursuit. I have met some incredible trainers and have learned a great deal from each of them. There's a level of respect for one anothers' skills and education. I have also met some that should have reconsidered their career choice.
     I consider myself humble. I've been humble! I like to give back to the industry and to the sport of fitness and bodybuilding. Don't believe me? When you see me, ask me for some advice, suggestions or a demo. I bet you walk away from me much smarter than before. I get long-winded. Case in point, a guy came up to me this morning and thanked me for the break down of different chest pressing methods and how to make his calves grow. He's tried the few exercises I demonstrated a couple of weeks ago and I could see the changes in his chest and calves that I promised in these suggestions. I didn't charge him one copper cent, nor did I try to sell him a training package. When I go to get my training in, I allow enough time for people to approach me to ask for assistance or advice or to show them variations. Afterward, they watch me go through my workout and imitate my methods. I'm so cool with that. Most times, imitation is a form of flattery, other times, its just down right annoying! In these cases, thank you.
     Most of my clients have become actual friends of mine. That's just a natural occurrence. Even if I'm no longer training them, as a friend, they call me to work out with them. Case in point, this morning, I met up with a friend, who happens to be a client. Every Friday, we do some HIIT together. She's lost 9.5" in 10 sessions with me. This morning, after 40 mins of cardio, she asked if I could do her measurements, so I did. In the gym we were in, the training management took some major offense to me doing this and threatened to pull my membership... are you serious??? Their claim was that I was taking $$ from their business and that I am very disrespectful to the establishment. Are you friggin' kidding me?!! Of course, being the rebel that I am, I defended myself and basically told them to kiss both ass cheeks. One of these trainers was a guy so of course, testosterone was in the midst... The funny part is, intimidation and envy leaked from his pores! The gym manager's spine, of course, remained unseen as he sat there letting a trainer determine his membership accounts. Damn shame.
     I've been a member in this gym for a year and a half. I've helped people in a lot of ways. Some ask for a spot, I got em. Some ask for cardio advice, I got em. Some ask for measurements and bodyfat percentages... and I got em. I'm happy to do these things and 99% of them aren't clients. It's my obligation, as a Trainer, to provide knowledge, to correct people's methods, to motivate and inspire. What the fitness industry doesn't seem to get is that some of us are just that kind of person-- helpful and inspiring, motivating and have an ability to shine. I can't charge a person or be a a snob to someone for sharing my experiences and knowledge or my personality! That's absurd. But, of course, if the same person continues to inquire, then I'll set up a sold training package. Simple, no pressure.
     Back to this mornings' BS... So, I'm standing there completely relaxed and RIGHT as these "trainers" accuse me of training several people there. Um, ok, first of all, I trained people when I WORKED there as a trainer. I took my clients with me when the company I do train through relocated. As of April 1, I haven't trained anyone in this gym!! Smh... So I ask them, who have you seen me train? How often? Male or female? AM or PM? Once they drew blank, I laughed in their faces! I pointed out their animosity and they literally admitted to it by referencing their "offer" to work FOR them, made 3-4 weeks ago and me turning them completely down! They said it was unprofessional!! Since when is it unprofessional to recognize bullshit when you see and smell it?! Again, with a smile, I gracefully say that they are stupid and have no direction nor do they have a clue about the dynamic of this gym. Oh my!! I've seen people turn red before but this dude turned straight up Crayon Red from anger. I'm on a cardio/post legs workout nauseous high, so I'm giggling as hard as my sore abs will allow. I'm like, dude, chill out before you POP a gasket!! Didn't like that either.
     After 20+ minutes, they are trying to explain to me that, when members see me there and I'm talking to people or helping them, they will assume I'm a trainer in that gym and if they approach the training management about hiring as as a trainer, they have to tell those members that I am not employed through them and it makes them look bad. Ok, I'm sorry, I couldn't help it. My most boisterous laugh broke free!! That was all I could take without peeing on myself from such a comedic episode. I told them to do whatever they wanted to do and through up the dueces.
      Now, to some of you, the situation may seem petty. Somebody you may see the crap laced into it and totally understand. Bottom line is: I prefer you to hate from a distance. Your training sucks and so does your work ethic. You're mad because you couldn't get what you wanted, how you wanted it and just like in most conflicts, they hate hate hate when they can't touch you. They over-rate themselves. Have some security about what you do, at least enough to change your training per client instead of putting them all through the same workout. It's just not a good look. Chill out with your alpha-male complex and put your arms down by your side cuz, dude, you're not that big. Oh, one more thing, when throwing your credentials out to be used as a truth or ammo, make sure the person you try to throw them at actually gives Shit. Mmkay. 2 fingas cuz this rant is overrrrrr!

S/N: Trainers, if nothing else, remember this... whether on the clock or not, people watch you and learn from you, whether they are in your face or across the room. Your easiest "selling point" should be your appearance based on progress. Next should be your personality and then your knowledge and the ability to apply. Your daily accomplishment should be to be able to recall the daily lives of others that you have improved either through physical training or inspirational words or just by listening. Be helpful in every way because when people see this, they are automatically drawn to you. If you're burnt out, get out because it will redlect. Above all, stay on point. Further your education, expand your methods. Give credit where credit is due and, by all means, don't be in the industry for 20+ years and NOT become established with your own training company. That's like selling dope for 20 years, but you catch the bus to get around. It makes no sense at all. There... I'm done for real. Till next time, friends. Now, go hug yo' mama!!